
Tips on Correct Use

For best results:


  • Wet the area really well and lather up the soap so that it looks like a lotion. 
  • Lather the soap all over the affected area and if it is a bad case of itch, we recommend that you leave it on without rinsing off.
  • You may need to repeat this for 3-4 days in a row until you see a visible difference ie the lumps are reduced, the skin dries out and you may start to see new hair growth.  
  • Then use use as needed.  There is no need to wash the entire horse - just the affected areas.
  • Safe to use on all ages.
  • NOTE: you will need to rug your horse and/or use repellents as well.  The soap only works on the existing bites and if you don't protect them from new bites then they will be itchy again until you use the soap again.  Just like if you use it on a mozzie bite on your leg but then get another mozzie bite - this bite won't have been treated and will be itchy.


  • Wet the itchy area really well and lather the soap up so it looks like a lotion. 
  • Apply it to the itchy area and leave it on as long as you possibly can.
  • It is safe to leave on and not rinse off
  • It is safe for dogs to lick the product off
  • Safe for use in all ages of dog including puppies


  • Lather the soap up really well and apply to the itchy areas like a lotion.  
  • Leave on as long as possible to penetrate the skin.
  • Can be left on without rinsing off